this is me....and?: <u>Reporters in the Line of Fire</u>

Friday, March 23, 2007

Reporters in the Line of Fire

How far would anyone go to the break through story? Journalists all around the world go so far to try and get their big scoop. Some people find it stupid how people risk their own lives to get a simple story. Even if journalism is your career, one should never put them self in danger for anything. It is idiotic how some journalists will risk their own lives to get a certain story. There have been many cases where journalists have seen the face of death, still survive, and still continue in this career. They are putting themselves in danger and can even put other people in danger. But we must also try to understand it through the eyes of a real journalist. These stories make their career in the first place; their reputation; their respect from others. If someone continues to just write articles about local small events, or world records, it is true that they will most likely not be recognized. Most people remember the names of those reporters who find the big scandal of a celebrity, or go into natural disasters, or even find a secret that will destroy the world. That is the goal of most reporters; to make it to the top. They want to be like a celebrity with their talents of bringing news that will have their article and their name in the headlines. Their actions are reasonable, but sometimes they go too far to get their big scoop. They violate the privacy of many people, they often break the law, and their risk the one thing that is most precious to one person; their life. Nothing is ever worth of someone's life no matter what job it is. Journalists often become obsessive with their work to expose, headline, and ruin, but these kind of reporters need to get out of the business or find another approach to their job because their work will end up killing them.


Blogger Largo said...

Hi Julia,

While some journalists are only concerned about their own career goals, there are many who are fighting for true democracy, freedom of speech, and even basic human rights. In these cases, truth is everything and is worth giving up everything - even one's life (in my opinion)- to achieve it. We can't say that journalists are "idiotic" for this.

Good attempt at a difficult blog question.

10:22 AM  
Blogger m&m's; said...

Hey Julia!
I like your unique blog entry on reporters. I agree & disagree with you on this article. If we are talking about the way that reporters love scandals within a hollywood-like magazine, then yes I agree. They really do not give them much privacy at all and can make one celebrity look horrible in the eyes of the reporter. On the otherhand, if we are talking about the ones in Iraq and such, who risk their lives in the war to capture the essence, then I disagree. Some families around the world need that information to know how their family or friend is doing. I think they are doing a good thing in doing so. But of course the question is : How far? And I understand how you try to surface that.
Really good blog entry!

12:06 PM  

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